Do you know some important terms when it comes to Fatigue and Recovery?
Fatigue - The decreased capacity or complete inability of a muscle or muscles to function normally because of excessive stimulation or prolonged exertion.
Overtraining – results from an accumulation of training and non-training stressors that has a detrimental long-term effect on performance, with a recovery period that may take several weeks or months. This needs to be avoided via a well structured periodized training program limiting the chance of overtraining.
Overreaching – A normal process of training. The accumulation of training and non-training stressors that lead to a short-term decrease in performance, which can be overcome with a recovery lasting a few days. This is the purpose of effective periodized heavy training, but many times coaches, trainers and parents sometime let this stage last too long and it turns into overtraining which is highly unproductive and potentially.
Repair - The damage and repair cycle is beneficial only if the repair portion of the cycle results in greater, strength, power and endurance than before the damage/repair cycle started.
Continue to plan, periodize and effectively structure, daily, weekly and monthly plans to limit the chance of overtraining and perform at peak conditioning when it matters the most.
Here is a simple diagram highlighting a typical training and recovery curve and the dotted line represents an athlete who is under-recovered/overtrained.