The International Tennis Performance Association (ITPA) launched yesterday and has received a tremendous amount of interest; many individuals have already signed up to become certified. Thank you to all the individuals who have shared the ITPA information with their contacts to help increase tennis-specific education throughout the world.
Finding certified, competent, qualified fitness trainers to work with you as a tennis player, or a member of your family who is a tennis player, is a very important decision. Whether at the junior, collegiate, adult, senior or even the professional level, finding the right fitness trainer (also called a tennis performance specialist) could be the most important decision you make.
Work Experience and Area Of Specialization
Working with a traditional personal trainer, strength and conditioning coach, athletic trainer or physical therapist is a good starting point. However, the organizations that provide the education (whether university degrees or certification) for these professions do a very good job of general education, but do not cover tennis-specific information. Fortunately, the International Tennis Performance Association (ITPA - leader in tennis-specific performance education and certification) has the only
internationally-recognized tennis specific performance enhancement and injury prevention certifications. Individuals that become certified successfully complete the rigorous education program and pass an in-depth examination, demonstrating important knowledge, skills and abilities to work with tennis athletes on aspects of physical training and rehabilitation. The educational program involves a tennis-focused curriculum which assesses an individual’s knowledge in tennis-specific competencies framed in three broad areas:
1) Tennis-specific performance enhancement
2) Tennis-specific injury prevention
3) Tennis-specific leadership/communication
Talk To The Tennis Performance Specialist
Developing a personal, yet professional relationship with your tennis performance specialist is very important. Trust your instincts. Ask yourself if you think you could get along well with the trainer personality wise, but also from a philosophy and training standpoint. It is important that the communication between the tennis performance specialist and the tennis coach is outstanding. The physical training of a tennis player is not an isolated occurrence. The work that occurs during training sessions carries over onto the court and seamless integration between the coach and the tennis performance specialist is paramount to success.
Keep checking back to this blog for regular updates on different areas of tennis-specific performance and injury prevention
information. Please send us emails at [email protected] with your physical training questions and our team of ITPA Advisors and experts will look to help answer these in future posts.