Olympic Weightlifting for Tennis Course
Worth 50 iTPA Continuing Professional
Many coaches and trainers have concerns about the Olympic lifts for a number of reasons. The typical concerns are the perceived injury risks. However, it is clear from the research that when performed correctly, under appropriate supervision, weightlifting movements are a very low risk activity and do not provide a greater risk of injury to the athlete than playing tennis. The problem is many times tennis athletes do not perform these movements correctly due to poor technique, flexibility deficits, coordination issues or just inappropriate resistance. This problem comes back to poorly trained coaches, using inappropriate resistance (usually inappropriately heavy) and progressing athletes too quickly before they have the flexibility and stability to achieve optimum positions during the movements. The goal of this educational course is to help coaches and trainers who work with tennis players implement the correct movements and also understand when certain movements may not be appropriate for certain tennis athletes. As the goal of the Olympic lifting movements is to improve power production on the tennis court, it is clear that if the athlete is not moving the bar at maximum velocity, then the goal of the exercises is not accomplished — that is developing explosive triple extension power. Some movements in the Olympic lifting family are better suited to tennis players, whereas other exercises are less appropriate for some tennis players. This course provides coaching cues throughout the video examples and teaching progressions about common flaws and methods to correct these flaws in technique.
DVDs Table of Contents
Power Assessments
Flexibility Assessments
Strength Assessments
Warm Up Exercises
Introductory Lifts for Olympic Movements
1. Power Snatch from Mid Thigh 2. Power Snatch Above the Knee 3. Power Snatch Below the Knee 4. Power Snatch - Lift Off 5. Power Snatch From the Floor 6. Power Snatch + Overhead Squat 7. Full Snatch Progression
1. Power Clean Mid Thigh 2. Power Clean Above the Knee 3. Power Clean Below the Knee 4. Power Clean - Lift Off 5. Power Clean From the Floor 6. Power Clean + Front Squat 7. Full Clean Progression
DISC 2 Overhead Lifts
Auxiliary Lifts
Use of Blocks Rich Lansky Interview (30 Minutes) Topics: